missing downloads from R14 Tutorial

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Registriert: Sa 31. Dez 2011, 00:28
Wohnort: Sheffield, United Kingdom

missing downloads from R14 Tutorial

Beitrag von RetroGadgets »


from the main page at www.hive-project.de

the link from the R14 Tutorial

has two downloads


•Startdateien - In diesem Paket sind nur die ganz grundlegenden Dateien enthalten um den Hive zu starten, keine Tools

•SDCard Mini - oder Maxi (Diese Zusammenstellungen enthalten zusätzlich zu den nötigen Startdateien eine Zusammenstellung von Tools und Demos)

both links are not found,

please can someone provide to downloads.

Thank you.

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Registriert: So 24. Mai 2009, 10:35
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Re: missing downloads from R14 Tutorial

Beitrag von drohne235 »

This is the old (R13) version of the tutorial. We are currently working on a new version for R14, which can be found here:

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l3D ... lS4Rw/edit

But this new version is unfortunately still incomplete (lan are still missing), we're working on it!

Here you find the latest software for download (as a replacement for the old downloads):

http://hive-project.de/downloads/68 - TriOS (only binary files)
http://hive-project.de/downloads/30 - TriOS (with source code)

Various tools, games and demos:

http://hive-project.de/downloads/32 - Toolbox 1
http://hive-project.de/downloads/33 - Toolbox 2
http://hive-project.de/downloads/69 - Toolbox 3
http://hive-project.de/downloads/65 - Games

Plexus (GUI) & Basic:

http://hive-project.de/downloads/47 - Plexus
http://hive-project.de/downloads/2 - TriOS-Basic
"Ob Sie denken, dass Sie es können, oder ob Sie denken, dass Sie es nicht können - in beiden Fällen haben Sie recht." Henry Ford
Beiträge: 143
Registriert: Di 31. Jan 2012, 23:06
Wohnort: Stuttgart

Re: missing downloads from R14 Tutorial

Beitrag von Zeus »

You can also give this (unofficial) english version a try: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oiF ... sp=sharing
It's far from being good, but maybe it helps a little bit. It's translated with the Google translate function (which really has some problems with the sophisticated language in our tutorial ;) ).