FORTH source code - Blink LED

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Registriert: Mi 4. Aug 2010, 03:39
Wohnort: Chicago

FORTH source code - Blink LED

Beitrag von prof_braino »

Code: Alles auswählen


\ fl word must be first on text paste operation - see wiki

\ FLASH AN LED by Professor Braino - updated byBrianBR
\ usingPROPFORTH3.4
\ load PropForth.spin into eeprom 
\ teraterm set to 57600 baud 8 n 1 worked
\ each unit of functionality is implemented as s sseparate word
\ when each word is functioning correctly, string them together

\ Notice: The SLASH comment character \
\ causes interpreter to IGNORE everything to end of line INCLUDING CR-LF
\ so the echoed text is formatted different than the text file
\ Too many lines without CR-LR causes input buffer overrun 

1000000  constant pin24 
variable w-delay \ ( uses w@ W! time delay in milliseconds )
: !DELAY w-delay W! ; \ ( ms - ) ( store the milliseconds to wait )
: .DELAY w-delay W@ delms ; \ ( - ) ( wait for milliseconds in delay )
: pin24-output pin24 dira COG! ; \ ( - ) ( make pin24 output )
: pin24-hi pin24 outa COG! ; \ ( - ) ( make pin24 high LED ON )
: pin24-lo 0 outa COG! ; \ ( - ) ( make pin24 low LED OFF )
\ ... string them together...
: flash24 pin24-hi .DELAY pin24-lo .DELAY ; 
\ ( - ) ( flash LED using DELAY )
\ ... and put it in a loop

: FLASHES pin24-output 0 do flash24 loop ; 

\ ( number of flashes desired - )
\ After one has determined what code is needed, it is possible to
\ cram everything into a single word
\ doing everything all in one word is sometimes refered to as
\ write only code (write once - edit never again )
\ This can execute faster, and takes slightly less space 
\ but can be confusing on larger applications
\ after the code has been left alone for a few days

: ALL-ONE-WORD \ ( flashes - )
  1000000 dira COG! \ ( make pin16 output )
      0 do \ flashes to 0 DO ...
        1000000  outa COG! \ ( make pin16 high LED ON )
        100 delms \ ( delay for 100 ms)
        0 outa COG! \ ( make pin16 low LED OFF )                

        100 delms
       loop ;


\ next use the other method


LED blink20100915-1637.txt
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