PropForth3.5 and Hive Forth instructions


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PropForth3.5 and Hive Forth instructions

Beitrag von prof_braino »

Hi All

Propforth 3.5 has Low Res VGA - more colors and bigger character, but at 32 characters on 15 lines
Propforth v3.5b has correct Hi Res and Low Rev VGA for both Demoboard and HIVE pinouts.

There are 2 VGA pages, (CTL + ALT) to toggle between them.

There is also a Hive code change wiki pages at ... JupiterACE
Zuletzt geändert von prof_braino am So 17. Okt 2010, 20:44, insgesamt 3-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 82
Registriert: Mi 4. Aug 2010, 03:39
Wohnort: Chicago

Re: PropForth3.5 and Hive Forth instructions

Beitrag von prof_braino »

Here is the FIX for LowRes VGA for the Hive

-- emabarassing code error no longer on public display --

Please see LowResVGA.f for functional code
Zuletzt geändert von prof_braino am So 17. Okt 2010, 20:35, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 82
Registriert: Mi 4. Aug 2010, 03:39
Wohnort: Chicago

Re: PropForth3.5 and Hive Forth instructions

Beitrag von prof_braino »

Propforth v3.5b has correct Hi Res and Low Rev VGA for both Demoboard and HIVE pinouts.
Beiträge: 82
Registriert: Mi 4. Aug 2010, 03:39
Wohnort: Chicago

Re: PropForth3.5 and Hive Forth instructions

Beitrag von prof_braino »

The latest version is Propforth3.5e standard kernel

This includes separate spin files for HiRes VGA for Prop Demo Board and for Hive Bellatrix pin outs.

The Hi Res VGA also needs Hi Res VGA.f loaded, and saveforth executed before VGA will function as terminal.

The Low Res VGA works with the standard kernel, but requires the specific LowResVGA.f file for either the Hive Bellatrix or the Demoboard.

Remember use the standard kernel on Adinistra and Regnatix!

ALSO included is an example of EEPROM routines optimized in assembler. This was provided to a user who is also a new Hive member, caskaz.

But we are still in the process of learning how to use it. The assembler needs asm.f if you are interested in forth assembler routines, although few people are interested in code that is so small and fast.