Re: Hive 004 and Hive 060 build
Verfasst: Sa 11. Sep 2010, 23:33
instead ofdrohne235 hat geschrieben:> Cable was an error, wired backwards, could this have damaged something?
Where exactly was the mistake?
Black DB9:Pin 2
Red DB9:pin 3
Green DB9:pin 4
Yellow DB9:pin 5
as in the picture, I had
Yellow DB9:pin 1
Green DB9:pin 2
Red DB9:pin 3
Black DB9:pin 4
I assembled as if the picture showed the BACK of the DB9 plug
> Strength at a higher voltage capacitors is not a problem.
> It takes only one chip ( in this case bellatrix) to be plugged.
> The circuit (MAX232) has to work - it is often tested - or there is something defective.
I tried both MAX232 chips, the same one that started with the reversed cable, then the unused one, on the other board using the properly wired cable. I don't think both chips would be bad. More likely I missed something obvious.
Is it correct that the jumpers are set as required on 3.3v, 5v, GND, Switch?
> Do you have a possibility of a direct serial interface to test - without an adapter cable?
I have a stock demo board and a unused proto board, but no circuits to test the 40 pin prop and the MAX232.
Only some bread boards, maybe I'll try to construct a test circuit.