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Maschinencode sprechen...

Verfasst: Sa 22. Aug 2009, 10:18
von drohne235
Im Paralax Forum fangen die Propellerheads jetzt an sich direkt in Prop-Maschienensprache zu unterhalten:
Anyone (other than kuroneko :) care to reverse engineer the purpose of this PASM code?

long $a0bfee07, $a4bc0e07, $08bc0df7, $e87c0c02
long $08bc0df7, $ec7c0c04, $00000000, $a3837ffe

Hope some of the young ones or newbies give this a shot. I know the answer since I wrote it.
Just consider this a friendly challenge.
Antwort von kuroneko (kein weiterer Text):
long $a4bfee06, $08bc0bf7, $e87c0a01, $08bc0bf7
long $ec7c0a03, $00000000, $5c7c8001
Cool! :B4

Link: ... 5&m=378183