Hive 004 and Hive 060 build

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Registriert: Mi 4. Aug 2010, 03:39
Wohnort: Chicago

Re: Hive 004 and Hive 060 build

Beitrag von prof_braino »

drohne235 hat geschrieben:> Cable was an error, wired backwards, could this have damaged something?

Where exactly was the mistake?
instead of
Black DB9:Pin 2
Red DB9:pin 3
Green DB9:pin 4
Yellow DB9:pin 5
as in the picture, I had

Yellow DB9:pin 1
Green DB9:pin 2
Red DB9:pin 3
Black DB9:pin 4
I assembled as if the picture showed the BACK of the DB9 plug

> Strength at a higher voltage capacitors is not a problem.

> It takes only one chip ( in this case bellatrix) to be plugged.

> The circuit (MAX232) has to work - it is often tested - or there is something defective.
I tried both MAX232 chips, the same one that started with the reversed cable, then the unused one, on the other board using the properly wired cable. I don't think both chips would be bad. More likely I missed something obvious.

Is it correct that the jumpers are set as required on 3.3v, 5v, GND, Switch?

> Do you have a possibility of a direct serial interface to test - without an adapter cable?
I have a stock demo board and a unused proto board, but no circuits to test the 40 pin prop and the MAX232.
Only some bread boards, maybe I'll try to construct a test circuit.
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Registriert: So 24. Mai 2009, 10:35
Wohnort: Lutherstadt Wittenberg

Re: Hive 004 and Hive 060 build

Beitrag von drohne235 »

What exactly is the type T1? The occupation of the emitter/base/collector is at some types differently.
"Ob Sie denken, dass Sie es können, oder ob Sie denken, dass Sie es nicht können - in beiden Fällen haben Sie recht." Henry Ford
Beiträge: 82
Registriert: Mi 4. Aug 2010, 03:39
Wohnort: Chicago

Re: Hive 004 and Hive 060 build

Beitrag von prof_braino »

drohne235 hat geschrieben:What exactly is the type T1? The occupation of the emitter/base/collector is at some types differently. ... 222AGOS-ND ... 222A-D.PDF

Thanks for looking at this, I always have trouble with hardware
Beiträge: 2284
Registriert: So 24. Mai 2009, 10:35
Wohnort: Lutherstadt Wittenberg

Re: Hive 004 and Hive 060 build

Beitrag von drohne235 »

The assignment of the pins (T1) is correct.

Don't panic - it can only be a small error! ;)

Other Tests:

A) Cable-Test:
1. Remove the MAX232 and Bellatrix
2. Plug in a bridge in the max232-socket from max232:pin7 to max232:pin13 (Send Data --> Receive Data)
3. You can now chars whith a terminal program sent. Whith the bridge the characters sent back - you can see this in the terminal.

B) MAX232-Test:
1. Plug in the MAX232-Chip, NOT the Bellatrix-Chip
2. Plug in a bridge in the Bellatrix-socket from bel:pin30 to bel:pin31
3. Send chars whith a terminal. The chars now sent and received by the MAX232 over the cable.


> Is it correct that the jumpers are set as required on 3.3v, 5v, GND, Switch?

Is ok.
"Ob Sie denken, dass Sie es können, oder ob Sie denken, dass Sie es nicht können - in beiden Fällen haben Sie recht." Henry Ford
Beiträge: 82
Registriert: Mi 4. Aug 2010, 03:39
Wohnort: Chicago

Re: Hive 004 and Hive 060 build

Beitrag von prof_braino »

>The assignment of the pins (T1) is correct.
> Don't panic - it can only be a small error! ;)
> Is it correct that the jumpers are set as required on 3.3v, 5v, GND, Switch? Is ok.

PC com port verification
A. No connection on pin 2 and pin 3 - no loop back echo - OK
B. tie pin 2 to pin 3 - loop back echo -OK
C. Serial adapter cable - tie pin 6 to pin 8 - loop back echo - OK
D. Max socket - tie pin 7 to pin 13 -
D1. Hive 4 - NO LOCAL ECHO!!!!
D2. Hive 60 - local echo - intermittent

test on Hive 4:
E. Serial adapter socket
VOM show continuity between CP-4040:pin1 and CP-4040:pin4
which are pin3 and pin8 of the host connector in drawing 1/4 of hive-1-ver3-r13-b

So it appears Hive 4:
4 position serial connector pin5 is shorted to pin6,
and/or MAX:pin7 to be shorted to max:pin8

Attempted to de-solder host connector using "De-soldering braid"
"De-soldering braid" is mis-named, It should be called "Makes a mess of the underside of Ingo's board"

Removed host connector, but problem persists.
Attempted to remove MAX 16 pin dip socket using the same method.
Did not remove socket, but removed enough solder so the problem went away.
Hive 4 now Passes the MAX232:pin7 to Max232:pin13 loop-back test

test on Hive 60:

Did not remove host 4 pin connector but went directly to the MAX232 socket.
Rather then attempting to remove the socket, I just soaked up all the solder.
Hive 60 now passes the MAX232:pin7 to Max232:pin13 loop-back test

Incidentally, the MAX232 socket and the SD slot were soldered using RohS compliant solder on both boards.
After being advised against the RohS solder, regular lead solder was used on the remaining parts.

A) Cable-Test:
1. Remove the MAX232 and Bellatrix
2. Plug in a bridge in the max232-socket from max232:pin7 to max232:pin13 (Send Data --> Receive Data)
3. Both board pass

B) MAX232-Test:
1. Plug in the MAX232-Chip, NOT the Bellatrix-Chip
2. Plug in a bridge in the Bellatrix-socket from bel:pin30 to bel:pin31 (assuming PORTs 30 & 31; PINS 39 & 40)
3. Send chars with a terminal. The chars now sent and received by the MAX232 over the cable.

BOTH boards pass.

last issue was too much solder on pads on 6 position dip switch?

Neither board is identified by Prop Tool.
Attempting to de-solder bellatrix pads.....
Zuletzt geändert von prof_braino am Di 14. Sep 2010, 04:28, insgesamt 3-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 2284
Registriert: So 24. Mai 2009, 10:35
Wohnort: Lutherstadt Wittenberg

Re: Hive 004 and Hive 060 build

Beitrag von drohne235 »

Short could be under 4 position serial adapter, or under max232 16 position socket.
Should attempt to de-solder these parts?
Desoldering is difficult without damaging the board. I would first examine only the max-socket with a strong lamp and a magnifying glass - is perhaps more visible. If nothing is visible, you can still think about the parts removed.
test on Hive 60:
A) Cable-Test:
1. Remove the MAX232 and Bellatrix
2. Plug in a bridge in the max232-socket from max232:pin7 to max232:pin13 (Send Data --> Receive Data)
So you can see it a solder joint somewhere interruption in this area are.
"Ob Sie denken, dass Sie es können, oder ob Sie denken, dass Sie es nicht können - in beiden Fällen haben Sie recht." Henry Ford
Beiträge: 82
Registriert: Mi 4. Aug 2010, 03:39
Wohnort: Chicago

Re: Hive 004 and Hive 060 build

Beitrag von prof_braino »

OK - Hive 4 Bellatrix is now identified by propeller tool [dance] :) [/dance]

Hive 60 still has problems: :(

connecting Bella:pin40 and Bella:pin39 do not echo, there is an intermittent error
Sometimes there is nothing, sometimes there is a continuous stream of garbage even when keys are not pressed.

It appears the MAX232:pin12 may be shorted to ground. (continuity meter emits a single beep between pins 12 and 11)

Summary: After correctly assembling the cables, the action that made the most progress has been using de-soldering braid to remove the extra solder from all the socket pads. Is it that my iron was not hot enough, and the action of de-soldering caused the solder to flow correctly?

It late over here, I will try again tomorrow. Thanks for all your help.
Beiträge: 2284
Registriert: So 24. Mai 2009, 10:35
Wohnort: Lutherstadt Wittenberg

Re: Hive 004 and Hive 060 build

Beitrag von drohne235 »

OK - Hive 4 Bellatrix is now identified by propeller tool [dance] :) [/dance]
Cool! :mrgreen:

Ok, next party: Hive060
It appears the MAX232:pin12 may be shorted to ground. (continuity meter emits a single beep between pins 12 and 11)
You have the measured without max232 - directly on the socket?

It seems there is still a fine connection. In the layout you can see, the pin 12 is directly connected via a very brief connection with R4 alone - as it can not be much. That you will also find a strong lamp, a magnifying glass and you can safely remove it with a needle! With a strong light under the board, you can see the bad connections ensure better. Desoldering braid is also a good solution to put the well is reached, a needle set for component-under.

In the attached archive high-resolution images are from the layout to the orientation.
Is it that my iron was not hot enough, and the action of de-soldering caused the solder to flow correctly?
In my experience, such errors usually come from long to soldering and/or too little flow medium. It is a matter of exercise - but this is the hive so too ... ;) Now that you know the cause, you can explore the board more closely.
"Ob Sie denken, dass Sie es können, oder ob Sie denken, dass Sie es nicht können - in beiden Fällen haben Sie recht." Henry Ford
Beiträge: 82
Registriert: Mi 4. Aug 2010, 03:39
Wohnort: Chicago

Re: Hive 004 and Hive 060 build

Beitrag von prof_braino »

Hive060 - It appears the MAX232:pin12 may be shorted to ground. Continuity meter emits a single beep between pins 12 and 11 measured without max232 in socket

>>> It seems there is still a fine connection. In the layout you can see, the pin 12 is directly connected via a very brief connection with R4 alone

Sorry - Something is different. The picture pin12.jpg and the contents of the .rar do not completely match my board or each other.(?)

>>such errors usually come from long to soldering and/or too little flow medium.
I'll work on this.

I heated the end of R14 till it moved, the short went away.
The max232:pin7 to max232:pin13 test passes
Bellatrix-socket from bel:pin30 to bel:pin31 test now passes. (I heated and wiggles the transistor, and max pins 9, 10, 11, 12 again) [micro-dance] :) [/micro-dance]

BUT Hive 60 still does not identify with Prop Tool. At least I'm making progress.
Zuletzt geändert von prof_braino am Di 14. Sep 2010, 23:59, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 2284
Registriert: So 24. Mai 2009, 10:35
Wohnort: Lutherstadt Wittenberg

Re: Hive 004 and Hive 060 build

Beitrag von drohne235 »

Sorry, the layout was the wrong version. I have removed the wrong file and here updated. :?
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"Ob Sie denken, dass Sie es können, oder ob Sie denken, dass Sie es nicht können - in beiden Fällen haben Sie recht." Henry Ford