>The assignment of the pins (T1) is correct.
> Don't panic - it can only be a small error!
> Is it correct that the jumpers are set as required on 3.3v, 5v, GND, Switch? Is ok.
PC com port verification
A. No connection on pin 2 and pin 3 - no loop back echo - OK
B. tie pin 2 to pin 3 - loop back echo -OK
C. Serial adapter cable - tie pin 6 to pin 8 - loop back echo - OK
D. Max socket - tie pin 7 to pin 13 -
D1. Hive 4 - NO LOCAL ECHO!!!!
D2. Hive 60 - local echo - intermittent
test on Hive 4:
E. Serial adapter socket
VOM show continuity between CP-4040:pin1 and CP-4040:pin4
which are pin3 and pin8 of the host connector in drawing 1/4 of hive-1-ver3-r13-b
So it appears Hive 4:
4 position serial connector pin5 is shorted to pin6,
and/or MAX:pin7 to be shorted to max:pin8
Attempted to de-solder host connector using "De-soldering braid"
"De-soldering braid" is mis-named, It should be called "Makes a mess of the underside of Ingo's board"
Removed host connector, but problem persists.
Attempted to remove MAX 16 pin dip socket using the same method.
Did not remove socket, but removed enough solder so the problem went away.
Hive 4 now Passes the MAX232:pin7 to Max232:pin13 loop-back test
test on Hive 60:
Did not remove host 4 pin connector but went directly to the MAX232 socket.
Rather then attempting to remove the socket, I just soaked up all the solder.
Hive 60 now passes the MAX232:pin7 to Max232:pin13 loop-back test
Incidentally, the MAX232 socket and the SD slot were soldered using RohS compliant solder on both boards.
After being advised against the RohS solder, regular lead solder was used on the remaining parts.
A) Cable-Test:
1. Remove the MAX232 and Bellatrix
2. Plug in a bridge in the max232-socket from max232:pin7 to max232:pin13 (Send Data --> Receive Data)
3. Both board pass
B) MAX232-Test:
1. Plug in the MAX232-Chip, NOT the Bellatrix-Chip
2. Plug in a bridge in the Bellatrix-socket from bel:pin30 to bel:pin31 (assuming PORTs 30 & 31; PINS 39 & 40)
3. Send chars with a terminal. The chars now sent and received by the MAX232 over the cable.
BOTH boards pass.
last issue was too much solder on pads on 6 position dip switch?
Neither board is identified by Prop Tool.
Attempting to de-solder bellatrix pads.....