ich habe da was im I-net gefunden.
Aber wie erweitere ich das von 100% auf 100,0% oder 100,00%.
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{A simple pwm object based on code from AN001 - propeller counters
Author: Jev Kuznetsov
date : 16 Oktober 2007
pwm : pwmAsm
pwm.start( Pin) ' start pwm
pwm.SetPeriod( period ) ' set pwm period in clock cycles
pwm.SetDuty( duty) ' set duty in %
long cogon, cog
long sDuty ' order important (the variables are read from memory in this order)
long sPinOut
long sCtraVal
long sPeriod
PUB Start( Pin) : okay
'start pwm on Pin @ 80 kHz
longfill(@sDuty, 0, 4)
sDuty := 50 ' default duty
sPinOut := |< Pin
sCtraVal := %00100 << 26 + Pin
sPeriod := 1000
okay := cogon := (cog := cognew(@entry,@sDuty)) > 0
PUB stop
'' Stop object - frees a cog
if cogon~
longfill(@sDuty, 0, 4)
PUB SetPeriod(counts)
' set pwm period in clock cycles, frequency = (_clkfreq / period)
sPeriod := counts
PUB SetDuty(counts)
if (counts < 0)
counts := 0
if (counts > 100)
counts := 100
sDuty :=counts*sPeriod/100
'assembly cog which updates the PWM cycle on APIN
'for audio PWM, fundamental freq which must be out of auditory range (period < 50�S)
entry mov t1,par 'get first parameter
rdlong value, t1
add t1,#4
rdlong pinOut, t1
or dira, pinOut ' set pinOut to output
add t1, #4
rdlong ctraval, t1
mov ctra, ctraval 'establish counter A mode and APIN
add t1, #4
rdlong period, t1
mov frqa, #1 'set counter to increment 1 each cycle
mov time, cnt 'record current time
add time, period 'establish next period
:loop rdlong value, par 'get an up to date pulse width
waitcnt time, period 'wait until next period
neg phsa, value 'back up phsa so that it trips "value" cycles from now
jmp #:loop 'loop for next cycle
period res 1
time res 1
value res 1
t1 res 1
pinOut res 1
ctraval res 1